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We mostly offer divided saddle chairs because they greatly reduce the pressure on the genitals. Salli is the only company, that offers saddle chairs with a divided seat.

These thermal images show the pressure distribution at various office chairs. An undivided saddle chair also reduces the pressure on the thighs and therefore allows - in contrast to a conventional office chair - a better blood flow to the legs. However, the pressure on the genitals rises because of the different pelvis postition, that comes with sitting on a saddle chair, which leads to unhealthy in the long term heat storage. The solution provides the Salli saddle chair, which prevents this pressure by using two divided seat halves.

Pressure on the genitalia on a divided, an undivided saddle chair and a conventional chair:

pressure1small Pressure on a divided Salli saddle chair.

Pressure on a undivided Salli saddle chair.


Pressure on a conventional office chair.

For best comfort, we recommend the Salli Multiadjuster or Salli SwingFit. With these models, you can adjust the seat halves individually to your pelvis.

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